Use Cashy and make money by sharing great moments with people around the world. Cash in on your daily photos and videos by sharing them with your friends & family.
Look at the world with different eyes while making money with your content. Sharing your photos, videos, texts, audio files and other webpages with Cashy will help you achieve great range. This may generate advertising revenues, which Cashy will be happy to share with you. Sharing is caring, your content, your visitors, your Cashy.
Recommending Cashy to your friends is an excellent opportunity to boost your advertising revenues to limitless heights. Cashy will pay you a fair share for all recommended installations.
Some reasons why a lot of people will be thrilled to use Cashy:
- to make content and sites publicly available
- to provide content with ads and thus generate constant revenue
- to use your own platform for back stage music videos
- to earn money for your own audiobooks
- to publish video art NOT on YouTube but on an alternative channel
- not to have to run your own blog as a poetry writer
- to share your party photos and earn money to cover party costs
- to share your selfie and earn money to pay for your make-up
What will be your reasons? Install Cashy now for free.